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5 Reasons Why You Need a To-Do List

Living an inspired life requires a daily investment of energy, focus and time. Developing the right habits for a powerful mindset, success and abundance is not always straightforward: first of all, we sometimes discover the value of certain habits later on in life, and second, it takes time and effort to re-wire our brain and change the way we function daily for the better and long-term. In this idea curation session, we emphasize the importance of keeping a to-do list and reveal the 5 everyday life-altering reasons to maintain one:

1. Free Yourself

Keeping a to-do list has many proven psychological and productivity benefits and de-cluttering your mind is right at the top of the list, no pun intended. Freeing up mental space is a key strategy in improving the quality of our life and a sure stress reliever: studies have shown that people who keep to-do lists sleep better and even fall asleep easier. Putting down everything that keeps circling in your mind like a track cyclist is, ultimately, an act of showing respect to yourself and will help you understand how valuable your own time and energy are.

2. Remember Without Remembering

There is a constant information overflow in our daily lives and instead of feeling overwhelmed, we can simply re-direct our focus to what matters the most. To-do lists are a fundamental tool for time management and serve as a useful reminder of what is on the agenda today, what is an all-time priority, what is a fun relaxing activity to include, and what is simply weed in our schedule .

3. Create a Clear Framework of Your Pursuits

The way in which thoughts of all kinds pop up unsorted in our mind is surely not the way we want to handle them. Having an array of planned activities written out will allow you to group activities, highlight significant tasks, set a rhythm to your day or week, and schedule events in a desired order.

4. Accountability

4. Accountability Creating your own schedule and checking off activities, tasks, meetings and errands will give you a great sense of accountability to yourself. You will be able to closely observe your own progress, review your accomplishments and challenges, and stay on track with what you aim to accomplish. Whether it is short-term or long-term planning, the key ingredient to fostering and maintaining this great habit is a sense of empowerment and personal responsibility.

5. Confidence

In the long-term, to-do lists are an amazing tool to boost your confidence in your own abilities and allow your creative energy to draw up your own life step by step, or bullet point by bullet point. Turning abstract goals into concrete work can be immensely empowering and we have just the right props for you at REMINDART, such as our gold-foil Create, Believe, Dream & Empower notepads, designed to help you focus your energy on the right goals, dreams and values. The luxury notepad, just like the rest of our art design products, is both practical - portable and of the perfect size - and indulgently pleasant to look at. Order yours today and start creating the life you have always envisioned. To keep inspiring you is on our daily to-do list. What's on yours?

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